
Showing posts from 2016

3 Things to Tell Your Seller to Do before you List Their House

3 Things to Tell Your Seller to Do before you List Their House Create A Neutral Environment It is a really great idea for Sellers to repaint the whole inside of the house (and the outside if it needs it). A fresh coat of paint makes the house look new but when you do so, choose netural colors. Although, your Seller may love that purple and pink room she painted for her daughter, buyers will not appreciate it as much. Neutral colors are also the best choice for flooring.  Get Rid Of Stuff The less your Seller has in your house the better. Less stuff will make the home look bigger and thus, more appealing to buyers. Keep the nicest furniture, art pieces and essentials like the refrigerator. However, the 4 extra tvs, 3,000 books, 200 stuffed animals and the life-size action figure of Darth Vader in the living room should probably go. Make The Buyer Comfortable Even though your Seller obviously lives in the home, you want the buyer to be able to see themselves living there.  Ha